Xbox One and Kinect v.2
Launching Xbox One Micrososft declared that there could be no Xbox One without Kinect and started selling Kinect as unit of Xbox One. Such a forced bundle draw the fire of users as it made s whole system $100 more expensive over the competing PlayStation 4. Despite it, Microsoft considered that Kinect would be like selling Xbox without a power cord. As Xbox’s Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer, Yusuf Mehdi told, “The original vision we had for Xbox One [was as] an all-in-one entertainment device, and it still is, even with the $399 SKU.
Kinect and Windows Store
Microsoft have announced that they are going to enable developers create Windows Store apps - good news for developers like us, that are trying their hands at developing applications for MS Kinect. This ability opens up a new marketplace and hopefully will give a rise to further interest to Kinect of both consumers and developers. It can hardly be said that there a lot of non-gaming applications yet despite a clear interest of users to Kinect apps. In our opinion, Kinect has great prospects.It is already possible for example to navigate MRI and CT scans ...
Technology development Kinect
In two months after Microsoft Kinect was launched, over 8 million copies were sold, which exceeded iPad sales in several times. The device took the second place in the “10 most innovative technical products of 2011” by the Popular mechanics magazine. That, however, is not surprising. Kinect technologies seem to take you to some other world, the world of Future, about which we have read in science fiction novels. At first, Kinect, a motion sensing input device , was used as a game motion controller, but a serious challenge appeared as there was lack of...
Kinect 2.0
Not far ago Microsoft has announced the next version of Kinect 2.0. They claim to make it even better and easier for users to interact with applications basen on Kinect technologies. So that we shall wait for new incredible applications and new scope of use of Kinect. Here are some improvements in technical chatracteristics...